Thomas Merton News
May 2003
(by Miss Meyer, Mrs. Haury, and Mrs. Greenwell)

St. Jude Math-a-thon

The 4th and 5th graders again participated in the St. Jude Math-a-thon.  They raised a total of $1432.75.
The top collectors were:
Chelsea Horn (4)            $145
Ty Wesley (4)                  $145
Ali Pfeiffer (4)                  $135
Will Graeser (5)              $126
Shelby Seng (5)              $120
Matt Smith (5)                 $106

Eagles A.C.

The Eagles A.C. of St. Ignatius wanted to thank the 8th graders who worked the chicken dinners for them this year.  As a special "Thank You", the Eagles have given each of the 8th graders going to Chicago some extra money to spend on their trip.  Thank you, thank you.

Derby News

On Thursday, 5/1/03, we will have the final running of the TMA Derby.  The races will begin around 12:30.  Each class will have a race as well as Millionaires Row provided by Gr. 6 and musical entertainment from students, Mr. Gravatte, and others.

Class Switching Day

On Monday, 5/5/03, we are having special morning classes.  Each grade will visit every other classroom.  The older ones can reminisce, the younger ones just see what else is going on.

Cafeteria Closing

Friday, May 23rd, is the last day lunch will be served.  On Tuesday, May 27th, all students will need to bring a lunch and a drink for that day.


Four members of TMA have been published! A book containing a collection of stories about faith, family, and devotion was written by members of the Archdiocese.  Included in the book Proof of Your Love, are articles by our librarian Mrs. Herdt, and three of our 7th graders, Hollyn Stratton, Amanda McKune and Justin LeMon.  Great job!  Copies are available at the rectory.
Jason Effinger, a 7th grader, had his poem published in the Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans.

Lunch Charges

We have had an unusual amount of lunch charges these past few weeks.  PLEASE make sure your child does not leave home without lunch tickets/milk money. Thanks. 

Lost and Found

We have many items in our lost and found box in the main office.  These items include shoes, shirts, jackets, etc.  Please check to see if your child(ren) is/are missing any clothing items.  If so, check our lost and found.

Former TMA Students in the "News"

St. Xavier Honor Roll:
Patrick Thomas Kehl-Principal's List
Cory Joseph Feger-Principal's List
Matthew Paul Effinger- Second Honor Roll
Brandon Dwayne Stratton-First Honor Roll

Early Dismissal

On Wednesday, May 28, students will be dismissed at 11:30 



     TMA All-Class Reunion

  On Saturday, 5/10/03, there will be an all-class reunion for students, teachers, parents, and friends (past and present) of Thomas Merton Academy.  It will be held in the GA Cafeteria from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.  Come and remember your days at TMA.  Bring any yearbooks, pictures, or other mementos with you.  Please pass this information along to others who may be interested.

For more information, call TMA office at 969-5462

Flour Babies

 There are new students in the fourth grade.  The "flour babies" arrived on April 25th.  They are the closing project for the fourth grade Family Life Program.  They will be with their parents until after the Derby.

Mass Schedule for April:
5/7/03-Grade 6
5/14/03-Grade 5
5/21/03-Grade 8
5/28/03-Grade 7

May Events

Thursday, 5/1/03-TMA DERBY 12:30

Friday, 5/2/03-NO SCHOOL

Monday, 5/5/03-Class Switching Day

Tuesday, 5/6/03-6th Grade retreat in TMA Library

Friday, 5/9/03-Field Day -out of uniform

Saturday, 5/10/03-TMA reunion 6-9pm

Monday, 5/12/03-Spirit of Jefferson Cruise

Wednesday, 5/14/03-Art Show 5-8pm
*Field Day Rain Date Only

Friday, 5/16/03-Field Trip to George Rogers Clark Park -Grades 1and 8

Tuesday, 5/20/03-Field Trip to Jefferson Memorial Forest, Grades K and 7

Wednesday, 5/21/03-8th Grade Graduation at 7pm followed by a reception in the cafeteria

Friday, 5/23/03-last day lunch is served in the cafeteria 
Ice cream treat for all students courtesy of Grade 7

Monday, 5/26/03-Memorial Day-NO SCHOOL

Bring brown bag lunch with drink

Wednesday, 5/28/03-Last day of school
11:30 a.m. dismissal

Graduation Speaker

Andrea Dawn Keene will speak at the 8th Grade graduation.  She graduated last year with honors from Spalding University.  She received the Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities Award, Outstanding Communication Studies Student Award, and Outstanding Professional Organization Award.  She has attained the Dean's List and has been elected President of Delta Epsilon Sigma.  Andrea is pursuing her Masters Degree in Communication Studies.

See Table Below for Information Concerning Regularly Scheduled Events



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Regularly Scheduled

Each Wednesday-Mass, 8:00 am

Each Weekend -Volleyball and Football games

Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month is
Family Member to Lunch Day

Every 2nd Wednesday is
Community Day in the lunch room

Every 3rd Friday of the Month is:
Other Out-of-Uniform days will be announced for special occasions






Click here for the Fish Fry and Cake Schedule

  On the second Friday of each month
(Sept. Thru Jan.), the PTO and G.A. Men's club will sponsor fish fries with all proceeds to benefit TMA.
Thank you, thank you.

  Guardian Angels will sponsor it's usual Fish Fry on the third Friday of each month beginning jan. 17 until Apr. 11. G.A. is allowing all proceeds from the cake wheel and pulltabs at their fish fries for the 2002-2003 season to go to TMA. Again, thank you, thank you.

  For the cake wheels to be profitable, we need your help. All parents are asked to donate a cake on the date your child's class is assigned. 

 G.A. generously donates ALL profits from the entire festival to TMA. Apr. 11 is the last Fish Fry of Lent and always the biggest! We need lots of cakes.

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